Saturday, April 15, 2006

My Nephew The Hero

My nephew AC is at that adorable age where he's genuine in every way. If he likes you, if he dislikes you, if he couldn't care less, he wouldn't hide that emotion from you. I make a point to visit him at least once a week to capture this precious stage. Cos once it's over, it's over.

AC is turning 17 months old next week. He can make all sort of sounds. His favorite are that of the elephant and that of the lion respectively. He can't quite address me yet, so he calls me Mama. Sometimes when i surprise him, his face lights up and he grins from ear to ear. He's truly delighted to see me.

There was a time when i was convinced dogs were better than people. Dogs are also authentic like kids. But today i realized: most of the time dogs still want something from you. If they don't get it they get disgruntled. It's not free love. It's not unconditional like i thought.

Unlike AC because at those rare moments, he's simply happy to see me. I don't have anything to offer.

I shall forever cherish this memory for as long as i live. For before i know it, my nephew wouldn't care less if i existed or not. But for now, he gives me a reason to stay alive. Seeing him is something to look forward to.

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