Sunday, April 09, 2006

Burnt Out

Last August, when I moved in this place, JD gave me a fragrant candle. He called them smelly candles. I used to find candles a stupid idea - it's practically burning money. But I got hooked on the scent. None would do it but this one scent. It's magical.

But for months I couldn't bring myself to burn the candle often. It just seemed so decadent.

And today I decided it was time. The glass walls had already blackened with smoke. The flame was waning. Yet reluctant to extinguish. There was still so much wax left all around the crater though, it just seemed wrong that it was nearing its demise.

And poof! There goes it.

Just like Tori Amos croons, "Girl you got to know... when it's time to turn the page." And let's face it, Tori knows best.

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