Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Good Thoughts

So... my site has been viewed 90 times as of yesterday. Not too shabby for someone who's only been blogging for 2 months, ay?

NS my beautiful friend offered to take me to her yoga class when she heard I'd been meaning to try it for the longest time. She just couldn't be sweeter. I can count on one hand the number of people I've met in my lifetime who are beautiful, smart, kind, and cool, all at the same time. She's one of those rare beauties. Not only is she all those things, she has character, and courage, and a positive outlook on life. I can use some of that positive energy.

In the beginning of the semester, she was the one who initiated a conversation. She was so beautiful, I was just speechless. And she knew me? Lil old me! What gives??! The stars must've been aligned a certain way that day. (Hey, before you trivialize and dismiss astrology, keep in mind: astrology and astronomy used to be so intertwined, both were legit sciences.)

A random act of kindness always moves me to tears. (Of course, the low self-esteem is a huge factor in this; let's not kid ourselves here.) What have i got to lose? I can stand to do something that's actually good for me for a change. And Lord knows i can use a friend.

And not just any friend! NS, the absolutely breath-taking gem. I tell ya, if i was a lesbian... well, i still wouldn't stand a chance with her. LOL!...

But now i've got my first yoga lesson to look forward to this Friday. Can't wait!

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