Friday, April 21, 2006

It's Good to Be Alive!

I woke up this morning feeling pretty fine and dandy except for the fact that my slumber ended with a weird dream that reminded me a lot of What Dreams May Come, an obscure film that, in my opinion, is extraordinary and impactful (not to mention visually stunning.) But i digress. The point is that i had an excellent night's sleep - i hardly recall waking up during the 7.5 hours of bliss. And i got up without neck pain, which was a miracle in itself. I don't remember the last time i went through a night pain-free. Course, that comes as no surprise, since depression does have physical symptoms as modern science tells us. And by modern science i mean the makers of Cymbalta™. Yep, check it out yourself: depression hurts.

So as i was saying, i woke up listing all the things i would like to do today, as i often do, and even though that list, as always, is over-ambitious (more like bordering on fantastic,) instead of feeling overwhelmed, i felt alive! Like i was ready to take the world by storm! So what did i do? Without duress, i cleaned the bathroom. Shocking, i know. Trivilaize not this activity. We're talking bathtub included. This is huge!

But i always leave something unfinished. I'm a firm believer that if you approach perfection, that's blasphemy, and the gods will strike you down.

Next up: Yoga lessons!! Breathe...

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