Saturday, June 09, 2007


When i cook, i always take Before & After pictures. The transformation fascinates me.

There are two sets of Before & After's with every relationship - when you enter one, and upon ending it.

You may argue, "Not when a relationship doesn't end." Every relationship ends, trust me. Even if it's death that tears you apart. (Literally or figuratively.)

A scene toward the end of Cast Away comes to mind:

Chuck Noland, Tom Hanks' character, is at crossroads. In all four directions, there is desolation as far as the eye can see. Noland gets out of his vehicle and consults the map in the sun.

It's futile. You see, it's not that he's lost his way. He doesn't have a destination.

Just then, a beautiful stranger pulls over and seductively offers guidance.

(BTW how often does that happen in real life?)

Nothing like a senseless act of kindness to reassure the audience there's life after Kelly.

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