Friday, June 08, 2007

Kiss Me, I'm a Foodie 2

Slightly browned Brussels sprouts à la my fave Pasta Pomodoro appetizer. Didn't think i could replicate that effect. Thank goodness for the internet! Any recipe you can fathom, there it is, within reach. No more paying $3.99 per serving. Ha!

I thought there was brown sugar involved. Turns out it's just caramelization with butter. Who knew?!?

As i watched the brick of bovine fat melt, i thought, "Blood clot in a frying pan!"

But god did my Brussels sprouts turn out divine! (My presentation may not be top-notch. But who cares? Yum...)

Yet another subconscious effort to prove that i'm gonna be okay on my own, mind you. JD loved the Pasta Pomodoro version. His Mom used to make them, he said.

Now my entire apartment - all 437 sq. ft. of it - smells like Land 'O Lakes sweet creamy salted butter. The lingering scent is kinda making me sick. But i'm sure passers-by in the hallway are drooling!

I spent $50 on groceries today. Totally in chef mode. I probably bought 5 days worth of food. So gonna cook my ass off this weekend! It's a hormonal imbalance, i'm sure. And, needless to say, i'm overcompensating.

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