Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Thai'd Up

In a previous post about this Thai place close to work which i frequent, i mentioned how the hostess often made me self-conscious about the dreaded confirmation: Party of one.

There's this other hostess who doesn't rub me the wrong way. They both recognize me by now, of course. Unlike Ms. Tactless, this lady would simply smile and ask, "One?" I'd nod, and that would be it.

The other day, Lady-in-Waiting had already sat me down and taken my order. A minute later, Ms. Tactless spotted me, approached, and hurled a menu onto my table.

"How many today?" She inquired. "By yourself?"

Yes, still alone, ma'am. I mean what made her think today was any different? She might as well have said, "Still alone? Still pathetic? No change?"

And i would nod, expressionless. And hope that would - finally - be the end of it.

Yep, gonna be alone. I have accepted it. Why can't you?

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