Sunday, March 04, 2007

Medical Progress

I just caught the most recent Clearblue commercial. Apparently, they have yet again improved the design of their pregnancy testing device.

Just when i thought in disdain, "It's still just a strip you pee on!", the voiceover announced, "The most sophisticated strip you'll pee on!"

Wow. How far does a pregnancy test need to evolve? Maybe it's a plus sign, or a minus. Maybe it's one line, or two. Or it turns blue, or pink. How hard can it be to interpret the results?!!! There are TWO possible outcomes, TWO readings. OMG. Not like you shake it and it can go, "Maybe", or "Ask later"!

This latest masterpiece of modern marvel has a digital display. If you're pregnant, lo and behold, it says "pregnant"!

But, wait, women are stupid, remember? Why read when you can just have a baby icon pop up instead?

This reminds me of the whole razor blade craze. If 2 are good, 3 must be better. If 3 are better, 4 must be out of this world!... Some things are just better left alone.

Know what, Clearblue? I'll applaud when you spend research funds in finding the cure for cancer. Come to think of it, i'll level with ya. Bang for the buck? Nix genital herpes.

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