Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Wanted, Dead or Alive


I just wanted to say that. It's a good word. : )

Someone once told me that, whether you're a business mogel or a writer or an artist, you're only as good as your worst work. This post is gonna be how i shall be defined. : )

A project got postponed till next week. So of course i celebrate by drinking, which i haven't been able to do with all abandon in quite a while.

People keep calling me to interrupt.

You have to understand. I don't get calls. On most days it's like i live on a desert island with no phone lines and no smokestacks in sight. Occasionally i hear vultures squawking, impatiently awaiting my impending death.

Some wanted to talk about on-going projects.. then boundaries were crossed... conversations got a little more personal. People were... nice. Caring even. I'm not quite used to it.

Quite ironic that i'm only making friends during the last semester of my academic career.

Therefore, even though, while someone yaps away, i'm staring at my shaker filled with ice, strawberry purée and rum, wondering, OK, when do i get to shake the MoFo? I'm glad there were incessant interruptions tonight. My existence means something, even on a minuscule scale. Yeah, that's good for now.

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