Thursday, May 04, 2006

Love Whore

For almost two decades now there have been people who pretend to be my friend just so they can copy my homework. I've never thought about how far i've let it go. Until this semester. I am such a love whore - this i've known since age 6 when I gazed adoringly at a performer on stage, hoping they'd glance my way and notice i loved them the most. Then maybe they'd love me the most out of the entire audience. I don't know why I have this innate, insatiable need.

This semester, a couple of girls have not only copied my homework, but also asked me to pick up handouts for them when they were cutting class. Not only that, i had to meet them some place to deliver the notes. Not only that, they'd be late. And i'd wait, the idiot that i am.

It finally hit me. i DON'T have to do this. i DON'T have to aim to please. These people don't give a hoot about me! What am i doing?!!

Today one of these girls with a sweet façade came to me 28 minutes before an assignment was due, and attempted to "borrow" my work. "Don't worry," she assured me with an innocent smile. "I'm not gonna copy it." I thought to myself, No More! I lent her the list of formulas and told her which ratios to compute. Her smile froze.

She didn't have a pen. I let her borrow one, knowing she wouldn't return it, just like all those other times. She didn't have a calculator either. Who comes to school without a pen or a calculator? I said it'd be easier just to let Excel do the math. She said she was not real familiar with Excel.

WHAT???!!!!!!!!! This coming from a graduating senior majoring in Business Administration?!

I was infuriated. I may not be well-rounded, but the few things i do i take seriously and do well. Society, however, doesn't value my type. They look for those who spread themselves too thin juggling 15 things at once. Never mind they just wanna look good on paper. Never mind they can't do a simple summation in Excel. As long as they are members of the Croquet Club, the IMA, the FMA, play basketball, run and bike, walk their dog, work at Macy's, and does volunteer work at the local shelter on Fridays. Yeah, let's go for the schizophrenic over-achiever instead of the intellectual who is actually good at something. Sure.

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