Friday, May 12, 2006

Shiny Happy People

This is a map of visitors to my site by city. Courtesy of Pretty impressive at first glance, isn't it? Don't let it fool ya. Some visits lasted 0 second. The hard data kinda makes me miss the good old days when global readership could be justifiably assumed. Haha.

Today is my brother W's birthday. He firstborn is turning 18 months old next week, and he's got another one on the way, who also happens to be a boy. Today i felt like i was surrounded by all these happy, together people who knew where they were going in life. A teammate of mine is expecting in August. She and her husband just had their 5th anniversary in April. They felt it was time to have a family, and boom! They've got a baby in the oven... Oh, i mean, bun in the oven. Same difference.

Then NS my beautiful almost-friend told this beautiful story of how she and her best friend found true love in each other through the tragedy of her father's recent passing. Just like the movies. I swear I was gonna bawl right then and there. (And yes, her best friend is a guy. Sorry, those of you who were just getting worked up by lesbian imagery.)

Whereas i, coming home at 20:00 with two boxes of spirits from BevMo, tried to be as inconspicuous as possible, only to be spotted by a neighbor smoking on his balcony. The cigarette's glow in the dark was as piercing as a cayote's stare deep in the woods - if the cayote had only one good eye, that is.

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