Sunday, June 08, 2008

Uno, Dos, Uno

My Mom thinks because i was cooking two halibut steaks maybe i have someone new in my life. Someone to cook for.

Alas, it was just more for me.

"One steak seemed so lonely," i wrote back. "It would just look wrong."

That uterrance spewed sadness.

Loving my Mom has been one of the hardest things... Most days i would deny it. Which, of course, would be ridiculous.

My parents are reportedly in shock at the dawn of my turning 37 next Saturday.

"I close my eyes and still see your drool bubbles!" My Mom reminisces, referring to my baby pictures. Yes, i did eventually stop doing that.

Most people call that "foaming at the mouth". She calls it lovely.

My Mom loves me. Believing it again makes me cry.

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