Friday, June 13, 2008


Ginger Cosmopolitan. Yum!

Calamari Katsu with Lemon Caper Burre Blanc.

Course, we all know katsu is Japanese for "deep-fried and artery-clogging"! : )

I didn't know what the French suffix meant. But all the respectable chefs know it: Throw in some French and you've got them reeled in! : )

Turns out that literally translates to "white butter"! Yikes!

I thought the paprika on lemon with a sprinkle of black sesame made a very enticing garnish!

Oh my god the decadence!

They call the cut "Julienne style". I call it "Oh, i don't hafta wield a knife? Super!"

With three different dips: Wasabi, Chipotle, and Thai. I thought I had died and gone to heaven!

(Especially when they're brought to you by someone with shimmery lips who reminds you of Gina Gershon, who calls you "honey", and caresses your back!)
I thought capers would be weird with flavors other than the designated sauce, but boy, it was all gooooood... "Orgasmic" came to mind : )

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