Monday, April 23, 2007

Powerless 2

Just as i was emailing Denisse about the second coming of light (religious overtone intended), my power went out AGAIN.

Two words: Save often. Which i didn't.

You should hear it when electricity dies on you. It's like someone drawing their last breath. Very ominous.

I was devoured by pitch dark. My heart raced.

Thank goodness for my trusty flashlight! But for a while there it was like The Blair Witch Project where there's nothing but panting in the dark.

I lit as many tealights as i had tealight holders. Then it didn't seem so bad. For the first time, i witnessed the starburst effect of my multifaceted tealight holders in complete darkness. It was sooo pretty.

As i gazed into my domicile of flickering light, my fear subsided.

I'm glad i was subject to pre-Ben-Franklin time for a couple of minutes. It kept things real for me.

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