Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Epiphany 5

I'm going into fasting mode in approximately an hour. I'm scheduled for a cholesterol test in the morning. Doctor's order. If my life didn't depend on prescription drugs i would completely blow her off. Alas, when she says, "Bend over!" i have to ask, "When?"

Mandatory fasting always induces anxiety. Abstaining from food is hard enough on days. But taking booze away from me? That's cruel and unusual punishment.

Earlier in the evening i considered going dry tonight, and just sliding under the covers and watching American Idol till bedtime. I even ate a considerably large meal to eradicate my propensity to liquor up. The more i imagined not having a drop, the more irrationally preoccupied i became.

I did the math. If i'm required to have nothing but water and meds 12 hours prior, i figure i can have my last drink around 8 p.m.

So now that i've given in, the bigger challenge is to promptly stop at 8 p.m. See, I've already told work about my appointment for lab work. It's not like i can show up and go, "Whoops, guess i'm rescheduling, cuz i couldn't stop drinking."

Gosh. It's true. Perhaps i have a problem.

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