Sunday, April 29, 2007


By now everyone must've heard about the freak accident on the McArthur maze this morning that caused the meltdown and collapse of a large chunk of the 580 portion of the interchange.

Coming home from Denisse's, i had to hit the maze. I talked to Denisse about taking surface streets down to Oakland before entering 880, but she insisted traffic couldn't be that bad...

"If you leave now."

OK, OK, i get it. She has a hot date. She wants me out of there.

So yeah starting near the 13 interchange, traffic slowed down. We were crawling for about a mile. Then we were just inching... stop and go. For another mile and a half.

But really it could've been worse, considering. Thank goodness for my awesome iPod playlist that takes me way back, so i don't need to dwell on the present.

The coolest of all: I drove by the wreck, up close and personal. It was one of those butterfly ramps, probably 2 or 3 stories high. You can see the steel sticking out of the cement all discolored from the conflagration. This is the kind of damage you don't see unless there's been a major earthquake. I can't imagine the blaze.

It is human to have morbid fascinations with destruction and demise.

All this mess that's gonna affect hundreds of commuters for months to come, and the driver survived, hailed a cab and got himself to a hospital?

I wonder if they're gonna screen the flowers and balloons that he receives from anonymous well-wishers.

I can just picture this guy walking into a bar, and some tough guy confronting him, "So... You're the one who fucked up the maze, huh?!"

OMG, the guy will never drink in public again!

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