Friday, April 06, 2007

Aunt Authentic

My nephew AC calls me Goo Goo. As in the Goo Goo Dolls. As in Cantonese child speak for "aunt", but not just any aunt - specifically "father's older sis".

As i stepped in my brother W's house this evening, AC cheered, "Hi, Goo Goo!" Melts my heart and makes me grin every time.

"Goo Goo, where have you been diving?" Asked W in baby talk. Meaning "Where have you been hiding out?"

Tonight i played peek-a-boo with AC, with him finding refuge around his mother's legs. His face lit up with delight. The other weekend we did the same thing at lunch, with him under a table behind tablecloth. I kept saying, "I see you!" AC cracked up so bad.

I see that twinkle in his eyes. I notice that mischievous look. Tonight, for the first time, i caught him glancing sideways at me with a knowing half-smile. Totally reminded me of Damien in The Omen. Kinda crept me out. There you have it. He's only two and a half, and i have begun to witness innocence eroding away. Inevitable.

I'll enjoy it while it lasts. For now, when AC laughs, he really means it. I believe kids like me because i have never forgotten what it's like to be a child. What it's like to be genuine. Perhaps i'm akin to the female version of Peter Pan, Petra. So for now, we shall laugh our hearts out. Loud, no restraint, no tomorrow.

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