Thursday, May 27, 2010


Never had to process "real" wings before. You know, the 3-part real deal with wingtips intact. But SO worth it! The wingtips are arguably the best part! Finally learned to chop these babies apart at the cartilage, thanks to Elsie to the rescue over the phone (who was also the recipe benefactor). What can i say, haven't cooked Chinese much all my life. It was challenging at first but by the 4th piece i was starting to get the hang of it.

Browned and slow cooked in fermented soy bean paste with chili flakes. I know, that doesn't sound very appetizing. I wish the translation came across better. Just one of those acquired tastes you acquired at an early age and don't question.

Alley the German shepherd approves! She slurps up the sauce!

On the other hand perhaps that just confirms those theories on the invalidity of Chinese cuisine.

I liked it. I slurped up the sauce!

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