Saturday, June 03, 2006

Goldilocks Would Appreciate...

This was supposed to be sautéed asparagus and shrimps with minced garlic (plus an array of leftover ingredients i couldn't fit in my curry stew on Monday.) To my delight, the seasoning was just right, but everything wound up overcooked - kinda soggy and tough. And there was a lot of unintended moisture retention, as you can see.

Making a perfect dish is all about timing. The last thing you want is some components overcooked and others undercooked. Remember how Goldilocks knew exactly what she wanted? Not too soft, not too firm. Apparently i haven't mastered the art of cuisine creation.

Yesterday i had my 3rd yoga session. I've concluded that yoga is a paradox.

Often times, one limb stays strong in fortitude, while its counterpart has to be in utmost inertia. You have to concentrate in nothing but the pose, while your mind is at ease. While you remain tranquil, you need to stay alert by keeping your eyes open. You are to push your body to the limits, yet your face has to relax - you cannot grimace. You simultaneously press down hard and reach up high, all the while in serenity.

Most of the time i'm screaming internally in pain and exhaustion, interspersed with self-bashing about not being able to achieve that yoga magic. Yeah, that is the hardest part - finding a balance... which shouldn't come as a surprise, given where my life is today.

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