Thursday, June 29, 2006

Insomniac and Hungover...

Not a good combination.

Last night i got so hammered so fast that i crashed before 20:00. Just as i predicted, i awoke before 04:00.

Sometimes i so overdo it that i wake up in the wee hours, thirsty like a mofo. (How is a mofo thirsty? i dunno.) If i have a drink of water and lie down again, my stomach will make these weird, ominous sounds, like sorrowful souls bellowing in hellfire, reminding me i shall join them soon. This will go on for minutes, freaking me out.

My late grandma used to get up around this time every single day. She'd do her elaborate Buddhist rituals, chanting words from Ancient India that she did not understand. Darkness would turn into twilight. Then she'd head up Pine Hill for her daily exercise. Rain or shine. There are some steep slopes and long stone stairways you need to climb to get up that Pine Hill. I don't know how someone can do it day in and day out.

Occassionally i'd join my grandma in her hike. She'd show me off to her exercise buddies.

"This is my granddaughter," she'd grin and proudly announce.

They'd make a big fuss. She'd giggle. I loved her giggle.

Then we'd go to dim sum. Back home dim sum starts bright and early. It's meant for breakfast or brunch. It gave her great pleasure to treat me. She'd watch me eat, and urge me to eat some more. If that's not pure love, i don't know what is. Haha.

I prefer the Christian version of the afterlife. This way, i'll see my grandma again in heaven. (Like i'm going to heaven!) Conversely, with the Buddhist samsara, you get reincarnated over and over, and even when you run into a loved one again, you'll never know it. Besides, who wants to relive adolescent angst? I'd say "kill me first", but then i'd just get reborn.

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