Thursday, June 01, 2006


In the past couple of days, i've been trying to be friends with this woman from one class who happens to be a devout Christian. Which wouldn't be an issue except devout Christians tend to zealously attempt to convert you. I consider myself pretty open-minded and tolerant, and i thought i should give the friendship an honest chance.

She's not kidding when she calls herself outspoken. Yesterday she insulted homosexuals, depressives, and folks who have sex out of wedlock. I let it go. I thought, the woman is entitled to her opinion.

Today she dissed Berkeley residents and Buddhists.

I was screaming inside.

I thought religion was supposed to be about loving one another. I thought religion was supposed to make you a better person. While it's ok to stick to your guns when it comes to morals and values, it is not ok to shun everyone who's different than you. How about a little understanding and compassion? How about dismounting your stupid high horse and level with mere mortals for a second? I don't believe you should judge until you've walked in someone's shoes.

After major ambivalence, i wondered though, wasn't i myself being judgmental in it all? After all, how can i consider myself tolerant if i can't tolerate someone like her?

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