Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Self-Deprecation. Yay!

Both my brother W and my sis-in-law Elsie sent me birthday greetings today. Which means a lot more than you would think, considering they don't celebrate birthdays. Or anniversaries. Or holidays. Basically, they're the atheists of special occassions. W and i had an anthropological discussion on commemoration once. We had to agree to disagree.

They even asked me to dinner, which is really out of character. Something's up.

They must've caught on that i can barely get out of bed these days. Today, for instance, i slept till past noon. I got up only when my body started aching in dystrophy. Meanwhile, most people are going to lunch with their coworkers in their suits or slacks, having made accomplishments for half a day. My biggest accomplishement at this point is that i mopped the floor with my Swiffer, realizing that the last time i used the sucker was in August 2005. But hey, i did with zeal. You should've seen me.

So *pat, pat*, and brava to me.

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