Saturday, January 27, 2007

My Very Own Independence Day

Last September, to empower myself with the knowledge that i didn't need a man in my life in order to be happy, i had my hair cut real short, and drove down to Santa Cruz one Saturday all by myself.

I discovered Seabright Beach that day. It's become my fave in this area, for it resembles Santa Monica the most.

'Tis another Saturday when i need to be reminded once more that i'm... OK. I headed down to Seabright again since the hair is still short - not much to be done there. : ) But there's always the beach.

The place was desolate when i got there. And there the trusty lighthouse still stood. Erect and defiant.

I wished that i was like that lighthouse. Well, defiant anyway. : D

I stumbled around, squinting at the UV reflection everywhere. Then, five minutes later, i heard the ocean. It was marvelous.

Funny how much effort it takes sometimes to live in the present.

After seeing a few friendly faces, human and canine, i felt better. But i couldn't help but notice everyone had company. I may still be able to pass off solitude as cute at this age. But one day soon enough, it'll just be pathetic.

And so i take a mental picture (and some digital ones, too), and savor it. Today.

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