Sunday, October 28, 2007

Recent Studies

Denisse has this theory derived from her online dating experience: Shorter men fib about their height, fudging by approximately two inches.

I was bemused and incredulous. She insisted on the objectivity in her vast studies. She's on the taller side for an Asian-American. And she will date only within her race so she's had to endure a lot of these discrepancies apparently. She'd be the authority.

Last Friday i had a date that played like a Seinfeld episode. It was so comedic, as soon as i came home, closed the door behind me and threw my purse on the foyer table (ha, ha), i burst out laughing.

But... details aside, back to Denisse's theory:

My date was 5'8" on paper. (Well, electronic paper, that is.) I purposely wore UGG's a.k.a. as flat as they come, in the name of conducting scientific research.

He was a small man! (Smeagol scrawny!) My height at best. That would be an exaggeration of at least 3"!

And you know what i say: Can't date 'em if you can't do 'em.

At one point, in the parking lot afterwards, i could swear i was towering over him. Given, there was uneven terrain, but that was one variable.

I have to concur: Dr. Denisse, your findings are accurate!!

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