Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Kiss Me, I'm a Foodie 3

All afternoon i got raspberry swirl poundcake on my mind. I think i saw something of the variety @ Peet's earlier this week.

Food obsession has returned with a vengeance.

At the end of the day, unable to stand it any longer, i drove down to Bux to take my chances with the sweets. I figured, if nothing tickled my fancy, there was always raspberry mocha to fall back on. : )

I wound up getting this "Summer Fruit Cobbler" that had peach and some sort of berry, a moist center and the perfect, crumby crusty top. I sat on an oversized armchair indoors and in the sun, the best of both worlds, and really took my time with the cobbler. (Boy, that sounds dirty!!)

Perhaps it was not as much about relishing the pastry as savoring the luxurious experience of being totally in the moment, not wondering if i should be somewhere else, doing something else. I wasn't planning, timing, envisioning. For five precious minutes, I was exactly where i belonged. Guiltless and free.

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