Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Gen X Where Forth Art Thou?

@ 5:24 a.m. it hit me that last night i typed the words "I'm sorry it didn't work out between you and me Taylor".

Knowing it was one thing. Acknowledging it was something else.

As long as we were still seeing each other, there was hope. There was that one [ancient] claim once IM'd: "It could still work."

Knowing me, i feel a tinge of sadness.

No hope. No expectations. No disappointment.

That's been my mantra lately. Just not the easiest thing to put to practice.

You see, it's not Taylor i need to get over. It's myself.

As Denisse would attest and as i have recently written, on the online dating sites you get attention from older men. Much older men. I mean you should see the age range these men enter! One wouldn't even date women his own age!

In other arenas it's been the other extreme for me (yeah, smaller numbers - not to be disclosed):

1. Bellevue, Washington (Oooh across the bay from Seattle!)
2. Crawfordsville, 48.80 mi. from Indianapolis
3. Close to home

As a matter of fact #3 has invited me to see his band play downtown one of these Fridays. Think i'll go. Just so i can say to the bouncer, "I'm with the band."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why crawfordsville?