Monday, May 14, 2007

Good Times

On Saturday i finally saw my brother's family after what must've been a month. It's kinda like calling after a date. The longer you have waited, the more awkward it becomes, and the more difficult it is to take action, because you're riddled with so much guilt and you feel obliged to explain why it's been so long...

My nephew AC ran to hug me, unable to wipe the smile off his face, making it all worth it, and rendering all rationalizing nonsensical.

And on Sunday, after what must've been months, i joined in on Skype conferencing with Mom.

I was just waiting for it to hit me that it was all a big mistake.

Mom caught me on webcam with AC, and asked W my brother, "Oh, V. is there too?"

Affirmative, W replied.

"Oh," was my Mom's response. No "Oh, how nice of you to join us", or "What a pleasant surprise", or even a simple "Hey, you there!"

Yeah, glad to see you, too, Ma.

Second thing on her mind: "Why's V. wearing a long skirt?"

The three of us looked at each other off camera, perplexed. What kind of question is that? And, what does it matter?!!

In my defense, it wasn't even long. It was below-the-knee, Boho, and distressed. It was all the rage a couple of seasons ago.

We diverted Mom's attention cuz we simply did not know what to say. Before long, she repeated the question.

As opposed to what? A mini? Pants? Capris? Clamdiggers? What?!

It's one of my roles to make my nephews laugh in front of the live cam. While Elsie held AC, i made faces and "threatened" to tickle him in a teasing manner. Works every time.

Mom couldn't get over how wildly AC was cracking up. W gave me credit by explaining what i was doing behind the scene.

"V.'s making him laugh?" She asked with doubt in her voice. "No, Elsie is tickling him, isn't she?"

"No," answered W. "It's V."

"It's V.?" My Mom remained skeptical. Once again she insisted it had to be Elsie doing the trick.

OMG! All of a sudden i was reminded of why i had such a distaste for these convos with Mom. And why it's no wonder i have no sense of my intrinsic value as a person, having grown up with this little parental faith. She wouldn't even hide it, for crying out loud. I was right there! I mean, how incompetent must she think i am?!

Afterwards i bitched about the experience with Elsie for about 20 seconds. W grunted, "She's just concerned."

"Concerned about what?" I almost couldn't keep my voice down. Concerned that i might be an imbecile in a long skirt incapable of inducing humor?

Thank God Elsie is finally done with breastfeeding for good. We shared some Porto (Portuguese for "Port", a far cry from English) after the verbal exchange, and all was good in the world again. Quality time with family rocks!

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