Friday, May 04, 2007

Ask Sherwin-Williams

Have you noticed them Sherwin-Williams commercials have been featuring interracial couples for some time now?

First it was a white guy with an Asian gal. She's artsy, spiritual, spunky. (Cuz Lord knows all of them Asian gals are.) He's, well, white.

But they get along, and they make a cute couple.

Now it's a white guy with a colored gal. Uh oh, did i say colored? She's beautiful. She could be of any heritage. It wouldn't matter.

She's cute, full of life, bright-eyed. He's, well, white.

But they get along, and they make a cute couple.

Sherwin-Williams thinks they're so avant-garde. But it's still always about the white guy, isn't it. God forbid, let's say, a white woman should be defiled by an Asian man, or, shall we venture off to unthinkable combinations. Blasphemy! They shall shout.

Tap me on the shoulder when you're truly liberated.

1 comment:

Sara and Kim said...

I am thinking that the 'unthinkable combinations' would be the asian man with the black man or the white woman with the latina woman (Cinco de Mayo reference).