Friday, August 11, 2006

Feedback on Feedback 2

Tom of Vancouver, Canada was nice enough to comment on my last post, a real comment in a while. And a comment with teeth, no less. I admire that. (Shit, i said "nice" there, didn't i. Oops.)

Nobody wants to be called "a nice guy" (or gal), cos that's what they say when they wanna break up with you but are afraid to hurt your feelings. That's what they say when you don't have anything going for ya. Because if you're so "nice", why are they breaking up with you? That's bullshit. I say, bring it on, if my personality just doesn't thrill ya, if i'm not skinny enough, or if i'm just overall not your type, period. But bring it on, buster, bring it on. And do not, i repeat, do NOT, call me nice.

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