Saturday, March 12, 2011


Yesterday i learned that there were people in China who Tweeted and blogged about the devastating Japanese quake in a celebratory manner. Not unlike the Americans who referred to the natural disaster as "payback for Pearl Harbor".

Such residual acute hatred toward a general public is chilling. WWII was a long time ago. Sure, some of these people's ancestors may have raped your grandmothers. But they survived. Or you wouldn't be here. How many generations must "pay"? Which nation amongst us is completely benign? Flawless? Heck, the entire world history is about power, more and more of it, through land and the resources on it.

The Japanese are a disciplined, obsessed people. And for 2/3 of a century they have used that dedication in productive, constructive outlets. They have come a long way.

I'd like to think the rest of world has, too. A little compassion and forgiveness goes a long way. Clinging to hate fueled by the past can lead to no growth.

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