Thursday, September 11, 2008

Chase 3

Yesterday i went to have x-rays taken of my sacral/coccygeal region for my work-related injury.

Waiting 40 minutes in flimsy robe and shorts while icy air blows on ya for a procedure that takes 1 minute was NOT fun.

It hurt my bony ass to lie on a flat slab under the camera. When the technician positioned my hips so i was centered, he mumbled, "You are thin... I knew you were thin but..." And didn't complete the sentence.

Then he had me turn on my side. Knee to knee, foot to foot. Now that's tricky even on a soft surface. Everything hurt.

"Hmm..." The technician seeemed puzzled.

"Take the picture already!" I thought.

"Since you are so thin," said the technician. "We're gonna have to place this foam wedge under your waist."

We discovered shortly after that my muscle spasms had caused my coccyx to curt outwards since my body had been adjusting to a bad chair.

But... Wait... Let's recap: I'm thin?

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