Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Chase 5

Another work-related injury. Within... a month? Mildred my supervisor is very displeased with me right now.

Today someone was sent from both District and Corporate to investigate my claims lest they be fraudulent. I felt a rush of indignance, but found (little) comfort in knowing i have nothing to hide: not like i can fake tight muscles and pinched nerves - i don't know anatomy that well.

My doctor wants me to wear this wrist splint when i'm driving, typing, or otherwise utilizing my left hand.

In other words, all waking hours.

The splint lessens the pain, but sure makes it difficult to type!

Last night, amidst my Scramble fervor, i had to pause mid-game and remove the sucker in order to resume full-speed.

I'm thinking maybe this injury is partially Scramble-related... But, sshhhh... Nobody needs to know!

1 comment:

Not-So-Normal-Mom said...

You have lovely hands. :-)