Saturday, September 06, 2008

Vignette 12

Derek II's mama is one cool chick. She's a blonde stargazer, and she has a cat she calls Black Pussy.

The first time i heard that i giggled. "Is that the horse you're betting on?" I asked.

Mama has been diagnosed with stage one breast cancer. Derek's spending this weekend before the surgery with her.

He only told cuz i probed what prompted this trip to SoCal. "It's been difficult for me to bring this up all week," said Derek. "We all know people get old and die. But it's something else to be told their expiration date!"

No matter how you mentally prepare yourself, you're never ready.

"News like that really puts things in perspectives for me," i told him. "I get depressed. But i don't even have real problems!"

1 comment:

Sara and Kim said...

Good luck to Derek II's mother. My mom survived, so can his.