Tuesday, November 28, 2006

All Is Fair In Love... & OTC Drug Usage

The last day i was in Minnesota, I could already feel that i was coming down with something. Last night, in the name of killing germs (among other excuses), i downed a lot of alcohol.

In the morning I still woke up with a sore throat. It hurt to swallow. (There's a dirty joke in there somewhere.)

So after a day of scratchy throat and chest congestion at work, i finally succumbed to making a trip to Rite-aid to get Vicks 44M, which comes highly recommended by my brother W, who had really sensitive tonsils growing up. He's the expert on coughing, if ever there is such a thing.

There's no non-drowsy formula available. Oh well, i guess i'm just gonna have to make do with the high-alcohol-content version. Ha-ha.

Upon reading the label, i came across this warning:

If you consume 3 or more alcoholic drinks every day, ask you doctor... Acetaminophen may cause liver damage.

Oh, you mean, as opposed to using alcohol alone, whereof the liver damage caused is infinitesimal?

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