Sunday, February 22, 2009


When i said goodnight to W tonight he cheerily responded, "See you tomorrow!"

Immediately sensing he was being presumptuous, he mumbled, "Provided your schedule allows..."

That's actually the way he talks. Nerd.

I was unprepared too. I mumbled too, on shellfish i have bought that is gonna rot if i don't consume tomorrow, on the Academy Awards being on with the red carpet coverage starting @ 3:30...


"But you only bought that one pack of fish today..." said W.

"Oh, no," i replied. "I purchased yesterday, too."

We totally then talked over each other. I'm not sure what was said.

"I may just change my mind," i said in conclusion. "I'll know when i get up." Knowing full well i'll probably need an alone day before the work week starts again. Especially when there's an 80% chance of precipitation in the area.

I replayed the dialog in my head for the rest of the night. My brother acted unentitled... Unentitled, just like me! As Dexter has suggested in the past: even though i may think W is near perfect, he shares my issues, at least some of them, unbeknownst to me.

Moreover, it's just occurred to me: my brother wants to see me... again? I can't wrap my brain around that one... Wow!

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