Thursday, July 26, 2007

Peregrination 2

Today was mandatory half-day off work. Instead of sitting at the Giants game with work folks, i bailed promptly at 12:35 p.m., 5 minutes after the national anthem was sung.

After treating myself to a tall soy mocha, i went home. My date got postponed so now i got an extra hour to dwindle. It was so nice out, i had to do something.

I went bikeriding - the first time after i'd gotten the rear brakes adjusted. Feeling like i was finally soaring, i went all the way up to the downtown area, dashing by cafe folks on the sidewalk. I took my time exploring - something i hadn't done since i'd moved here 2 years ago. I would not have the patience on foot, and driving is not quite the same experience since you are so sheltered.

Biking is different. You get that 360° panoramic advantage. You have wind in your hair. Heck, wind under your wings, you are so gliding.

I was exhilirated and proud. Just totally basking in the summer sun. No more fear of getting too dark of a tan (thereby violating the Asian aesthetic ideal), just as i didn't care when i was 15.

To finish off i returned to my friendly neighborhood park with the fountains which today through my lenses totally looked an eerie green. There is this narrow bridge of concrete plates with gaps and no railings that i've always been afraid to ride across in fear of toppling over and landing in the water, making a spectacle of myself. That is, always been afraid, until today.

I thought to myself: Today could be one of those days of vindication and self-affirmation - just like in the movies - one of those scenes where the protagonist wins over fear, and the orchestra soars.

And i did it. I grinned.

I got off my bike to take in the sound of running water and the leaves rustling. My face was misted by tiny droplets when the wind hit the gush just right. I wanted to remember that moment: So happy to be alive. So glad i moved here. I finally owned my 'hood!

And for once, when a date changes plans, i go, "OK, life happens... There'll be other times..." and i go doing something by myself cuz i want to, cuz it is fun. Not cuz i go, "Fine! I guess i'll do something by myself!", and be secretly fuming.

Oh how i've grown!

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