Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Holiday Cheer

There are two office Christmas parties to tackle with. Not one, but two. Oh, excuse me, holiday parties.

Political correctness makes me sick.

Today Matt walked in and decided that "Santa Baby" was the song we would perform at the District Office. That's the first song that had crossed my mind when confronted with the conundrum. How uncanny.

"You're in charge of the lyrics," said Matt. "You think you can get a hold of a copy?"

With exaggerated incredulity, i hissed. How easy would that be?!!

Matt grinned, "Of course!"

Tonight i listened to the "official" version by Eartha Kitt on my iTunes and modified the online version on the fan club website. In MS Word. What else. What a pity all this would be lost on these savages, some of whom don't even own a computer.

And then i listened to the version by Miss Piggy, and cackled.

I won't be a snob, i promise.

JD is moving. He said this half a year ago. Two weeks prior, i asked, "So you're not moving, huh?"

"No," he replied.

I guess he's changed his mind yet again.

It's funny, but after all this time, this decision of his still doesn't sit well with me.

How can i just let you walk away
Just let you leave without a trace?
You're the only one
who really knew me at all.

It's hard to let go.

Last night i had drinks with Rob again. He's so much like JD, it's weird. The only difference is i'm not attracted to him.

Today i thought, if JD leaves, Rob would be the closest replacement. But it wouldn't be fair. He's sensitive, like me.

"Sensitive. A painter." Like the artistic guy who fell for Ruth, Gladys, Rosemary, and Irving on Chicago.

This afternoon I smelled beer on Oliver, and told Rob.

"I know a drunk when i see one," i said. "Being one myself."

"You're not a drunk," said Rob. "You just like to have a good time."

"Okay," i said. Thinking, "Okay, let's go with that."

It's gonna rain all weekend again. I had things lined up, cos having things lined up made me feel like less of a loser. But now i guess i can't make an appearance... i simply can't go out in the rain.

Drinking indoor it will be.

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