Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Blessed Art Thou, Sofa

Here it is. My dream almost 12 months in the making.

Yes, it's only a couch. But it stands for so much more. It makes a studio apartment a home. It'll allow me to stay up AND fall asleep without excruciating pain in my neck and shoulders - no more self-pity. I can get up on a Sunday and crawl right on it before i even wash my face, and NOT feel like a complete loser. I could live on this couch. It symbolizes my independence from everyone and everything - except a job. Still need that. But right now i'm so euphoric, i don't sense any anxiety. Sure, i'm already starting to ache dully from spending 3 hours assembling the damned thing and the cleanup after, but i'm happy as a clam. I don't even feel the need to binge-eat or drink! The contentment is so unfamiliar, i'm almost scared.

And the icing on the cake: I got it for $50 off! AND it came with a little sleek swivel table perfect for my two remotes and one cocktail (not shown). I don't recall the last time i felt so blissed out.

Yes, it's only a couch. But for now it is better than love, ten-fold. In fact, technically, it's a loveseat. How aptly named! It's very roomy, BTW, wink wink, for when some real love comes my way.

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