Monday, July 31, 2006

All In a Day's Work (Or Lack Thereof)

JD says he heard somewhere that even when unemployed, one should rise at seven anyway, and tackle one's job search as if it were a full-time job.

My neighbors woke me at seven this morning. They usually do, like clockwork. I did rise, to take a shit. And i blogged. Then i went back to bed.

Fucked up a phone interview at 14:00 today. It's one of those things that could only happen on Seinfeld. At 14:00 sharp, some delivery guy knocked on my door. I answered only because i thought it might be the super coming to examine the leak in my bathroom ceiling again. The guy had a heavy accent and wasn't the most courteous person i'd encountered. Amidst the turmoil, just when he asked to use my phone, my cell rang - the phone interview!

I was braless, scantily clad in my short shorts, totally self-conscious, and already sick with anticipation of the phone interview. Normally i would turn the stranger away, but in all the commotion I just shoved him my home phone, told him to leave it once done cos i had another call, and rushed off to answer my cell.

I generally stink on the phone anyway, but today i've really outdone myself. With the guy speaking loudly in my doorway, I could hardly concentrate on the interviewer's voice. I was mortified. My brain turned to mush.

"I'm calling to find out why this position interests you and why you think you're a good match," opens the interviewer.

I said something to the effect of "sure, go ahead, ask me," and she repeated her question.

Shit, is right.

I heard the guy dial 4 or 5 times, talk to 2 or 3 individuals, trying to clear up matters. It felt like an eternity. At the end he tried to get my attention by yelling, "Miss! Miss! I'm done with your phone now!" And when i couldn't answer, he repeated himself, like, 11 times. What part of "just leave it when you're done" didn't he understand?!!

Just one of those nightmarish incidents you simply can't make up. After it all ended, i noticed he had called at least one out-of-area number. This goes to show: No good deed goes unpunished. Talk about bad judgment on my part!

Knowing that i had blown it, i spent the rest of the afternoon sending out more résumés. All in all i spent a good 5 hours job-hunting today. Not exactly the "full-time job" JD recommends to the unemployed, but it's the closest i've been.

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