Wednesday, January 12, 2011


There's nothing like hot noodle soup in the middle of winter. Today i made myself a big bowl of Guilin rice vermicelli in beef broth with eight kinds of vegetables (if you count the chili paste). What can i say: I like my vegetables. Don't worry, there's meat too. Didn't document photographically since it's one of those dishes that are good in the mouth, not so much to the eye. I may obsess with food, and this is no gourmet, but sometimes the easiest recipe with the simplest ingredients satisfies like no other. A deeper satisfaction derives from knowing i am able to whip this up - everything the right texture, timed just right. No small feat for a late culinary bloomer. Especially since my mother can't cook for her life.

Commentary: Geez, not everything has to be about your mother, does it?

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