Monday, September 10, 2007


On Saturday night, over sherry, i told Denisse that i had lost so much weight that none of my clothes fit any more. Especially my work clothes. I have to roll the waistband of my dress pants, sweatpants-style, so i won't trip over them sitting so low on my hips.

"Even my bras are loose now," i said. "Not so much the cups, but the girth..."

She turned to me in horror. "That's a significant amount of weight loss!" She exclaimed.

"Really?" I said.

"Uh, ye-ah!" Said Denisse in a sarcastic tone.

"This morning, after weighing myself, i found myself wondering if i could be one of those people who go down to, like, 90 lb.," i said.

She looked at me horrified again. "Why would you want to?" She raised her voice.

"I'm not gonna do it," i said. "I just wondered if i could. Just a thought."

"Well it's a very unusual thought!" Said a disturbed Denisse.

Today i revisited my psychiatrist to be treated for aggravated depression. At the end of the session, she said, "You hang in there!"

I saw and heard genuine concern. I thanked her sincerely in return.

"And eat something!" She said. And laughed. I laughed too.

So i did. I had me a gigantic Vietnamese sandwich for late lunch. Still sick to my stomach 5 hours later. Yay. Healing as we speak.

1 comment:

Not-So-Normal-Mom said...

Just thinking about you...Even if I don't have time to write the long emails that I would like to write to you...I want you to know that there IS someone out there who is thinking about you and hoping you are well. Feel well, darling.