Monday, September 11, 2006

York II

I feel bad i haven't posted anything for a while. There's so much i wanna say, i don't know where to begin.

My ex Creative Writing professor Kate AND writer Natalie Goldman would say, "Just start writing and let it flow."

JD doesn't read my blog any more. Which liberates me from having to refrain from candor, i guess.

There's York II now. What were the chances I would meet two Yorks*, both from Charleston**?

So yeah, York II is the guy who's Buddhist and very into tea. (See my last post on him.) When I wrote that, i was hurt because he had just informed me he wanted to see other people. But turned out he just didn't wanna be boxed in. And truth be told, i'm not ready to be someone's girlfriend. That's so definitive and so much responsibility right now! And... you can't really define someone with their religion and choice of beverage. People are complex, you know?

I feel kinda ambivalent about him, and the whole dating experience, since I haven't done a lot of dating in my lifetime. It's sort of traumatic for me.

For one thing, it's been really physical. And in my experience, carnal pleasures cloud judgment. One readily mistakes lust for deep feelings. It's a very common mistake, for both sexes.

And he seems to be on such a higher plane, spiritually speaking. I can't possibly play catch-up.

And we don't have a lot in common, it seems.

Elsie my sis-in-law chimes in, "Two people don't need a ton of common interests to make things work." And my good friend JM just emailed me with her verdict all the way from Minnesota: She agrees with Elsie.

Really? I never thought of it that way.

Did you know that a woman seeks a girlfriend's advice only when she needs them to give her a go? Otherwise she turns a deaf ear. I've learned this to be true.

The other night, while sitting on York II's john, I was sure that, if someone was to run a rape kit on me, they'd find vaginal contusions and cervical brusing. (Yes, i've watched too many Law & Order episodes! Hee hee...) i bear down and release some of his swimmers, clouding the water below. I thought of that Kleenex commercial in which a Buddhist monk unwittingly blows his nose into an anti-bacterial tissue, after having saved snails and bugs and other little critters in his path. That expression is priceless!... My Buddha! Does this mean it's bad karma for moi to have drowned potential life-givers?!!!

BTW i'll have to find something more concise than "York II", for my future entries. If we continue seeing each other after this weekend, that is. : )

*Not their real name
** Not the real city

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