Saturday, September 30, 2006

Dear Neighbor

A neighbor left a hate note on my windshield last night. It said that i was "rude to wake people up so early in the morning with [my] car alarm." Uh, it's not my car alarm that goes off, dumbass. It's the disabling. I listened to it again and it was really not that loud! I never thought it'd be an issue. Besides, most people are up by seven on weekdays, aren't they? The coward who wrote the note had very poor penmanship, BTW.

So, neighbor, sorry that i've got a job to go to at seven in the morning. You probably have the luxury to mosie on in to work close to lunch time, don't you. Or perhaps you're bitterly unemployed and mope around all day. Either way, i don't give a damn what you think you're entitled to!*

That said, i'd rather not have my tires slashed, so i need to look into disabling the sound on the sucker. Sure, not a problem. Just one more thing on my list. Thanks a lot, neighborly person!

*This is a line from A Few Good Men

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