Thursday, September 14, 2006

Shakira and Alanis

There's seldom such a thing as an original thought.

When we hurt, we think nobody else in the world (or in history) has hurt as bad. Guess what, we share many human experiences even when we think we're all alone.

Perhaps our ego needs to believe our experience is unique and never repeated.

I've been listening to Shakira's Oral Fixation, Vol. 2 lately. I loved her voice and rendition even before she went Anglo (that's right, i'm talking Donde Estan Los Ladrones?). There's something raw about her. And boy, is she hot.

Anyway, not surprisingly, track #2, "Illegal" really grabs me.

You said you would love me until you die
But as far as i know you're still alive

I was surprised to be reminded of "You Oughta Know" by Alanis Morissette.

Does she know how you told me you'd hold me
until you die
But you're still alive

Hmm... A universal theme to wish someone ill if they didn't love you. Interesting.

I tell ya. Human emotions sure are complex. As you might suspect, "You Oughta Know" has been one of my favorites, since before i had a reason to relate to it.

I remember hearing "And every time i scratch my nails down someone else's back i hope you feel it. Why can't you feel it?" and thinking, how romantic!

Strangely, all lyrics i've admired, somewhere down the road, i've been able to live. Be careful what you wish for, i guess.

BTW, after i typed in the title to this piece, i read it and thought, Shakira and Alanis... That would be hot!

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