Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Chase 7

Both Monday and today i was given a timed-release anti-inflammatory transdermal patch to wear.

"In two to three hours, when the green light goes off, you can take it off," Don* my new physical therapist instructed as he pulled out a clear tab to activate the unit like you would a toner cartridge.

I almost expected to hear ticking.

"Cool!" I said as i marveled at it in delight. "It's so sci-fi!"

As told to Derek II: i feel like a cyborg!

"Did you make any robotic moves?" Asked Derek.

"I pretended to malfunction," i said. Then reenacted that Bobbie scene from The Stepford Wives. The first one. That scene crept me out for years.

Someone must be making a fortune on the patent.

When i told Riley about the green light that goes off signifying the contents have been exhausted, he snickered, "What, you couldn't just look at the clock?!"

*Not his real name

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