Sunday, August 03, 2008

Displacement 4

As told to Denisse this evening, my curry kicks ass!

I've said time and again i always appreciate my food much better the day after.

I also told her i wished i'd added squids.

"Been wanting to work with squids," i wrote.

Then i pictured myself introducing myself to a squid, extending my hand to shake a tentacle.

"Hi!" I'd say. "Very nice to meet ya. I'm so excited to be working with you!"

And he'd stare at me like this:

Yeah... i worry about me too. Someone needs friends! Not to slight cephalopods in any way...

Side note: Now i understand why certain folks won't eat anything with eyes...

Side note two: A couple of years ago, during a trip to IKEA with my bro and his, i picked up a stuffed animal in the kidz section that resembled an octopus, only to count five legs.

"Look!" I held it up to show W. "A pantopus!"

He laughed so hard he almost snorted.

Nerds of the universe unite!!!

1 comment:

Not-So-Normal-Mom said...

I won't eat anything with eyes. Well, maybe one eye.