Thursday, September 24, 2009

Broccolini 2

Steamed veggies = Bland?


My new version, "The Firecracker", has a kick to it. To say the least.

This is how you get kids to eat vegetables. If your kids are anything like my nephews, they'll rise up to the occasion and take the heat challenge. I don't know if they'll dying to imitate grown-ups or if they thirst for validation. They'll turn red in the face and tear up in agony before they give up and gulp down iced water. It's phenomenal!

Even nowadays when my Dad glances over to catch me loading up on chili sauce at dim sum or Chaozhou (潮州) lunch, and casually gives me that nod of approval, i feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Took me years to earn that. The black sheep wimp no more!

Must be a genetic disease.

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