Monday, July 21, 2008

Literary 2

I take my mid-morning breaks outside when i can, justa feel the sun on my skin so i'll be glad to be alive, and to be reminded i'm more than this place.

Today, mug in hand, i stood in my favorite corner of the parking lot again, glancing at the vegetation out on the boulevard's central divider, taking in the beauty of color.

I wish i could name my flowers.

There were these four white ones in a linear fashion - the kind with lotsa elongated petals, swaying in the breeze. I swore they read:


which loosely (and poetically) translate to:

Cold without black splash

Black splash, of course, i interpret as ink.

How true!!!

I wish i had my camera on me to document the vision. My Palm wouldn't do a very good job zooming in on subjects that far.

But i may not see it in a photograph.

I have visions now. Tell me i'm not special!

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