Thursday, April 17, 2008

Kiss the Chef

If you have been revisiting this blog on a regular basis (the six of you know who you are - LOL!), you must've noticed i have embarked on a culinary journey of maniacally making something new every weekend. Okay, it's a compulsion. (Wait till you see this weekend's menu! Hehehe...)

Yesterday i experienced much anxiety thinking perhaps i should take a break this weekend as my freezer is pretty jam-packed. And i'm running out of Gladware. (You see, after i'm done cooking, i have this nasty habit of having a taste and putting the rest away in a world of ice.) But if i don't cook, life will have lost its last shred of remote meaning!

"You realize most people make food and then actually eat it," remarked JD last night.

Today i defrosted some creations of recent past, and consumed them. Everything always tastes miles more amazing weeks later. And it felt good. Guilt be gone!

So i must credit JD for having given me some very good advice lately:
"Eat the stuff you've made."
"Go to bed!"

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