Saturday, December 08, 2007


After weeks and weeks (and weeks) of having been a homebody, today is the day i will actually leave the house and be out and about. Somewhat reluctantly, i'll admit.

(Last night i made my lazy deviled egg, and didn't even bother to slice the egg. OMG. That's when you know you have gone too far with isolation. What's next? Picking lice off the hair and popping 'em in my mouth? [I don't have lice. Yet.])

As you may have noticed, my entries are growing short. There was a time when i couldn't go under 1,000 words. And i fear my verbiage has become bland. Without life experiences, a writer is reduced to a shell. A cracked one at that.

Since my blog has to be interesting, i guess i'll go out. Seems backwards.

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